Episode 2.5
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Spoiler Alert: If you have not seen this episode yet, do not go beyond this point! :D
The show opens with Mhyco finishing off his frogs and heading back to Nabasan beach. He finished his task so quickly, that he had already left before the princesses arrived at Jest Camp.

Since Mhyco had already left, Hazel spent the time there with his rival Dominic, who had a difficult time with the task, and had to keep drinking water because it was too hot.

Upon arriving at the Jest Camp, Vanessa immediately went to Carlo and noticed that Marc C. had already lost the five minute advantage he had on Carlo. But she also took the time to give Marc C. a bit of encouragement.

Host luis also explains that if someone else lights the fire on behalf of the charmings, they will have to eat 6 frog legs (instead of 2) or 3 bats.
When Paw arrived, only TJ was there and he was very intent on his task. Mikel eventually arrived, but said he was really tired because he had really "pumped it up" in the first round.

Isabel appreciated that both Gabb and Felix were hard at work, and she even felt sorry for Felix.... but Gabb lit the fire first and started eating his frogs as Isabel looked on. Felix finally gave up and decided to let the master guide light his campfire.

His twin Dominic however, successfully lit his fire, but his rival Mhyco was already heading back to the beach.

Carlo finishes the task, and leaves to return to the beach, while his rival Marc C. has a lot of difficulty eating his frogs.

Felix continues to struggle with the task, and he is shown slicing and peeling the frog legs. In his interview, he explains that it was difficult because the frog was so slimy.

Back on the beach, Luis is hanging with the princesses and asks Hazel pointblank if she and Mhyco were an item. Hazel laughs and doesn't answer.

In the meantime, Mikel has opted to go with the bats, while TJ is already on his way back to the beach.

In the end, only Felix remains at the Jest Camp. Left with no choice, he forces himself to eat the frogs.

Still on the beach, Luis is now with Vanessa, and is amazed as she is hyper and talks nonstop about her kilig for Carlo. Carlo in the meantime is in a jeep heading back to the beach, singing "To All the Girls I've Loved Before".

Mhyco experiences a moment of panic when he seens another van hot on his trail... but it turns out to be Gabb, and not Mhyco's rival Felix.

Gabb, Mhyco, and TJ arrive at the beach almost at the same time, and are off to complete the final task "Kayak-ita-love". Gabb had never used a kayak before, so had a bit of difficulty controlling it. Felix meanwhile, finishes the frogs and is finally on his way back to the beach.

Marc C. arrives at the beach, but has no hope of catching up with rival Carlo, because there was no kayak available. They were all being used by other charmings.

Carlo completes the kayak task, and is the first charming to finish. He kneels before Vanessa to kiss her foot.

Gabb, Mhyco, and TJ also arrive soon after to claim their kisses. TJ gallantly kisses both of Paw's feet.

Finally, the losing princes (Marc C., Dominic, Mikel, Felix) all arrive at the pitstop, where Anne is waiting for them.

Hosts Anne and Luis wrap up the week -- As in life, you never know. You can be the loser this week, but next week, who knows?

The show ends with a sneak peak into next week's episodes, as the winning charmings go on their dates with their princesses, while the losing charmings have to be their alalays in tow.
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