Episode 6.5
Episode summary text courtesy of Angelica. Thank you!
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Jill&Alwyn stay onstage as Anne calls on Karel&Gabb to join them in the center. Luis asks for more quiet from the crowd.
He then announces that Jill&Alwyn can move over into the Red Heart zone. Alwyn cheers and he shake hands with Karel&Gabb before going into the red heart zone.

Then, Anne calls on Andrea&Dominic to join Karel&Gabb in the center stage. Anne asks them if they think they deserve to be in the Blue Heart. Gabb says yes at first before realizing that Anne said the Blue Heart. Karel says that they did what their best even though it wasn't a very 'kilig' role. That they performed it according to the script.

Dominic also says yes to the same question (Do you deserve to be in the Blue Heart zone?) before realizing it's Blue instead of Red. Andrea corrects him and says they deserve to be in the Red Heart.
Anne reveals that these 2 loveteams were the weakest loveteams of this week, so Carlo&Vanessa, the loveteam still left standing in the blue heart zone is told they can transfer into the Red Heart zone.

Carlo and Vanessa hug each other, and Luis and Anne call them over to say a few words. Vanessa thanks everyone for supporting them. Carlo thanks everyone and tells them 'Number 5.'

Luis then goes into the audience and speaks with a Karel&Gabb fan and an Andrea&Dominic fan. The Karel&Gabb fan says it's hard to accept that they're one of the weakest and that their fans did everything, including texting a lot, to support them. He says that they'll support Karel&Gabb all the way even if they're eliminated.
The Andrea&Dominic fan insists that his favorite loveteam will be in the red heart. He says that last week they were among the strongest. Luis says that this fan sounds like he wants to punch someone.
The Love Council then takes a few moments to explain why these 2 loveteams were the weakest. Bb. Joyce Bernal says that the roles they got weren't as good but they have to think that they're in a competition... so no matter what's in the script, they have to give more.
She said that Karel&Gabb look good together and that they obviously put effort into their portrayal. She says she enjoyed their different look. Andrea&Dominic also looked good together and they're really compatible, but they have to work on it behind the scenes.

Anne then reveals the "shocking twist" -- because of an incident that happened that week during taping, one of the loveteams that's already at the Red Heart will have to join the two weakest teams at the center of the stage. She says a penalty was applied on Paw and Mikel.

Luis explains that in Qpids, as everyone is getting 'kilig' from all the moments onscreen, they want all the loveteams to be professional. There was apparently an incident during this week's loventure that gave the Qpids staff and crew a difficult time. Anne says they only want everyone to be role models, and what they do, good or bad, will have a corresponding action.
Direk Lauren then took over and explained that when the show started, he stressed to everyone that this is a loveteam search. So anything that one person does will affect their partner, since they are one unit -- one loveteam.

He also said that the Love Council evaluated the loveteams not only for their oncam performance, but also for their offcam behavior. They are all celebrities, and they are the role models for all of the young people today. They have to consider their actions behind and in front of the camera.
Direk explained that an incident happened during the week that created a lot of problems for the Qpids Staff, and that Mikel admitted to being the one at fault. So, even though Paw did not do anything wrong, the consequences of Mikel's actions will affect the standing of the PawEl loveteam.
As a result, a penalty was applied to the PawEl loveteam and they are stripped of their status as one of the Top 3 loveteams for the week. Instead, they now have to join the two weakest -- DomRea and GabRel, and are now candidates for elimination.
Of the three loveteams remaining on stage, the hosts then reveal that Andrea&Dominic can go to the Red Heart -- they are safe -- leaving only Karel&Gabb and Paw&Mikel on stage.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, with Luis saying -- tune in on Monday for the final portion of the Extended Heartbreak Night.
At 3/7/05 1:58 PM,
CF said…
Asher, pasensya ka na, ha... but we do observe a few ground rules here for blog comments.
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