Episode 10.0
Episode summary courtesy of Angelica. Thank you!!
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Voiceover: Eto ang drama loventure ng final 6 loveteams. Ito ang magiging basihan ng love council para sa 4th Heartbreak Sunday sa susunod na linggo. Kaninong love story ang magtatapos? Malalaman ninyo next week. But for now, let the Loventure begin sa Qpids Presents... I Love You To Death.
The story begins with Isabel and Carla preparing the food for a surprise birthday party that Isabel is throwing for Felix. She asks Carla if this is the right thing to do, and she is nervous.
Carla reassures her and tells her that this what she is doing is really sweet; Isabel is showing how much she really loves Felix in front of her and the rest of their friends, which is the best gift Isabel could give. Isabel hopes that after this she and Felix will always be on good terms because they are always fighting.

Carla then tells Isabel that she understands that it's Isabel's night, and asks her not to get mad, but she also has a big announcement to make. Carla tells them that lately, "he's" been really sweet to her lately, and she doesn't know why, but all the signs are there. Carla says she thinks she and Mikel are going to get back together, and Isabel and Vanessa embrace her in support.
Isabel says that it should be Carla's night as well as hers, because Carla helped so much in planning the party, especially in offering her resthouse to have it in. Carla thanks her and says she really wanted her approval.

Vanessa wonders whether she'll have a love life of her own, as she looks across to the living room, where Carlo is playing on his guitar. Carla tells her that it'll be soon.

The doorbell rings and they all get excited, thinking it might be Felix. Hazel goes to open the door and Alwyn comes in accompanied by Jill. He introduces himself as Felix's friend, and Hazel brings them over to the dining room, where Carla and Isabel are waiting.

Isabel says to Alwyn that she thought he was the only one coming. He tells her that his guest is always stuck to him and doesn't want to leave him alone. Jill hits him over the head, telling him that he has some nerve, and says that he was the one who was forcing her to come with him.

Jill then apologizes for her behavior and introduces herself to them. Alwyn tells them that Felix is coming with Janus, and then he asks where for Vanessa. Jealous, Jill makes a face at him.

The scene shifts to outside the house, where we see Paw and Mikel arriving together. Paw stops on the way in, and tells Mikel that she's nervous, because she's not sure how she's going to tell everyone that they're a couple now. She wonders what Isabel and Vanessa will say, and most especially what Carla might say.
Mikel replies -- what does she want, to stop how they feel for each other? She says that it's not like that, but rather that it's an understood rule that as someone's friend you're not supposed to go out with his or her ex. Mikel says that if they're really her friends they'll understand, and that he doesn't want to be pretending anymore. Paw says that she doesn't like this feeling, and Mikel reassures her that everything will be all right.

Inside the house, Carlo is still rehearsing with his guitar, and when Dominic leaves him for a moment, Vanessa grabs the opportunity to be with him. She goes and offers him a bite of norwegian salmon, her specialty, but he tells her he's allergic to it.

Vanessa nervously puts the salmon on top of one of his equipment. As Carlo strums away, she tells him that she's really impressed by guys who play guitar. He thanks her but tells her to take off the plate of salmon from the equipment because if it drops it could ruin it. Vanessa apologizes and takes the plate away.
She turns to him and says "ang cute mo talaga" in Norwegian by accident. Carlo turns around and she nervously laughs, and says that she said there was dirt in his hair. She tries to take it out and he tells her it's okay.

Jill and Alwyn walk over to Carlo, and Jill gives Carlo a kiss on the cheek. Carlo and Alwyn are surprised. A dissappointed Vanessa greets Jill and Alwyn, and then walks away. Alwyn gets up to help her, saying he might pass out from the air from the people who aren't talking to him.

Andrea marches down the stairs and sits in a chair, saying that she can't concentrate upstairs while she's trying to study for her exam. The maid (Hazel) tells her that it's a party, and asks her why she would bring her homework here. Andrea tells her 'Ate' that she has a really big exam tomorrow and doesn't know why her Ate Carla has to watch over her. This is the only place she could study that was far away from civilization.
She says she has a feeling about this house, because she was reading in the newspaper that there's a killer who just escaped from jail a few days ago, and they last saw him in this house.
Hazel is texting away throughout Andrea's whole story, and she tells her that her textmate 'Bebe' told her the same story. Andrea asks her who that is and she says that it's her textmate and she got the number from the television, and they call each other Bebe.

Dominic has been looking at Andrea the whole time while overhearing her conversation. He asks Hazel for some water so that she'll leave and he can sit with Andrea.

He sits and admires her while she reads her newspaper, but before long Hazel returns with his water. Andrea tells the Hazel to be careful about her textmate because she hears a lot of horror stories about textmates. Hazel leaves her, telling Andrea she has lots of things to do.
Andrea yells that the guitar is so loud in the house, and Dominic offers to lower the volume. She thanks him and he smiles. Andrea walks back to the stairs and Dominic follows behind and watches as she goes up. He cheers and everyone looks at him funny.
Hazel goes to open the front door once more. Paw and Mikel enter together, but Paw moves into the dining room first, and is greeted excitedly by the other girls.

Mikel follows them in. Carla remarks that it's good that Paw and Mikel's houses are near each other and Mikel was such a gentleman to pick her up.
Night falls and the party is in full swing when Mikel finally sees an opening to tell Carla about his new relationship, while a very worried Paw looks on.
Carla tells Mikel that they're really soulmates because she has something to tell him also. She then asks him to go first.

Outside the house, we see Hazel escorting Janus and Felix, and we learn that Felix isn't excited about coming to the rest house because his relationship with Isabel is currently in a rocky state.
Inside, Mikel is trying to find the right words, and when Carla notices Paw is nearby, she hugs Paw and tells Mikel he can say whatever he wants in front of Paw since Paw is her best friend.

Outside the house, Janus asks Felix why his mind is so confused, and Felix tells him that it's for real this time. Janus without thinking remarks that if Felix only knew that this was a surprise party that Isabel was throwing for him, and that Isabel had a bigger surprise planned for him.
Felix is surprised and asks what surprise party Janus is talking about. Janus tries to correct himself saying he meant "so nice to be with you" and then tells Felix not to say that he was the one who spoiled it for him.
He tells Felix to act surprised, and demonstrates the reaction that he should have. Hazel tells them they should go in now because everyone's been waiting for them for so long.
Janus asks her if he looks cute and she says he's ugly. Janus tells Felix that he's trying to look good because Carla is there.
Inside the house, Isabel excitedly interrupts Mikel to tell Carla that Felix has arrived, leaving Mikel with no choice but to wait for a later time to tell Carla about his relationship with Paw. The friends all gather together excitedly and kill the lights.

Everyone yells "Surprise!" as Janus and Felix enter, and everyone gathers around Felix to sing "Happy Birthday" while he is standing there looking not too happy.

The scene shifts to later in the night. Carlo finishes a song and Isabel steps up to the microphone, pulling Felix to stand beside her.
She thanks everyone because they have all played a part in their messy relationship, since they always fight and make up. Isabel continues and says what she truly wants now is him. Even though they always fight, and that he's childish at times, she forgives him because "bear kita".

Everyone says "awwww" and Felix says softly that he is the one at fault now. He scolds her and asks why she had to say that in front of everyone. Carla comes up and says that they shouldn't keep what they're saying to themselves and instead tell everyone. She points the microphone at Felix just as he shouts that he doesn't like Isabel anymore.
Everyone is shocked, and Carla goes to sit back down. Hurt, Isabel walks out of the house and Carla tells Felix to go follow her.
Janus (with his mouth full) steps up to the microphone and reminds everyone that this is a party and that they should be having fun. At his prompting, Dominic turns up the music.

Felix follows Isabel out to the pool and meets her at the other end. She asks him what is problem is and he says that it's her. He tells her that he's always making him like this [?]. He says that she can't accept him for who he really is. He goes on to say that she's always trying to change him, and she says that she's trying to change him for the better. He says back that he can change himself, and that she should force someone if they don't want to do it.
He says that she's controlling him [or "strangling him"], and this is always their problem. He's tired of it. Isabel tells him that she only does this because she loves him. Then she puts her hand on his cheek and gives him a hug.
Inside the house, Janus sees this as his chance to gain Carla's interest, as she is alone by the patio door, looking out at the pool. Janus dances around her, telling her to let them be. She walks away, saying that it feels wrong, but Janus says it's okay so they should go and party.
She walks away trying to avoid him, but he follows and continues to dance around her, trying to get her to dance with him.

Andrea storms down and turns off the music. She yells into the microphone that she can't study for her exam because everyone is so loud downstairs. Carla tries to grab the microphone from her but Andrea says that it's in the Philippine Constitution that people have the right to free speech, but they should be quiet because she's trying to study.

Dominic gets up and claps for her, saying that that was a line from a movie. Carla apologizes for her cousin's behavior, and tells them to go on with the party.
In the next room, Vanessa is chatting with Hazel while she prepares a sandwich for Carlo, because there isn't much food left. Vanessa asks Hazel if she wants one, and Hazel says no. Vanessa says that Carlo can't eat fish, so he should have a sandwich.
She starts to bring it over to him in the living room, when she sees Jill sitting close to Carlo, looking at his guitar.

Vanessa walks back, dissappointed again, and Alwyn follows her back. Vanessa shoves the sandwich to him and walks outside. Alwyn sits and eats the sandwich.
In the living room, Janus is still trying to get Carla to dance with him, but she stalls him by giving him the microphone and asking him to sing.

Carla sees Mikel and Paw seated together and joins them. She recalls that before she and Mikel went out, Paw was the bridge that brought them together. Then Carla asks Mikel about what he was about to say to her before, and that she has a feeling about what he is going to say.
Paw worriedly asks if Carla knows now, and if it is okay with her, and Carla says that it is okay. She says Mikel has been nice to her recently, and that he wanted to come tonight. Mikel says that he thinks Carla doesn't understand, and Carla says not to be shy around Paw because they are best friends and Paw will be happy for her.

Outside, Vanessa is still upset and she sits down at a lounger at the poolside.

Inside, Mikel finally reveals that he and Paw have been a couple for two weeks now. Carla is visibly hurt and turns away. Paw tries to comfort Carla and says they didn't mean to do what they did and she knows that Carla might think that they are really bad friends to do this to her.

Carla pushes Paw away and returns to slap Mikel. She screams at him and says that he made her believe and he has no shame.
Outside, Vanessa has seen something in the pool and starts screaming.

Everyone hears her screams and rushes out to see what is wrong. Jill slaps Vanessa, trying to get her to calm down, but it's only when she's with Carlo that she is able to point to the pool.
The guys, led by Carlo, jump into the pool to pull out Isabel and Felix, who are both floating face down in the water.

They carry the two bodies into the living room and set them down side by side on the floor. Everyone gathers around the bodies, all shocked and upset.
Mikel tells them that they should just get out of there and Paw says that it's not a good idea because the killer might still be in the area. Jill says that maybe they should call their parents but Carla quickly says no, because Carla's parents didn't even know that she used the resthouse for the party. Mikel scolds her for thinking like that and Alwyn says that everyone should just relax. Jill opposes, saying that they can't because some people just died.
Outside, a figure in a black cape is seen approaching the front of the house, while Janus looks like he's getting sick and runs out.

The hooded figure enters the house, and pulls off his hood, and it is Mhyco. The boys all go to stop him from getting too far inside. Mhyco reveals that he is there to deliver pizza, but none of the people in the living room remember ordering it. Mhyco insists that he was asked to deliver it to 45 Qpido Street, but no one believes him.

Mhyco is drawn to Hazel while Hazel looks back at him. When he tries to go near her, the rest of the boys subdue him and take him into the next room, where Mikel says they should all tie him to a chair until they figure out what to do.

After they finish tying him up, they leave Hazel with him to stand guard.
In the living room, Jill calls the police and explains the situation to them. She then tells everyone the police are on their way so they should all stay here. Carlo and the rest of the boys come back and tell Carla that they left Hazel, to watch over the pizza guy. Carla scolds them for letting her do that, because Hazel is still in a state of shock. Mikel says that it's Hazel's job to watch over things.
Paw says that this shouldn't have happened, and Mikel goes to comfort her.

Carla is not able to take seeing them together so she leaves saying she'll go get towels. Janus is on the toilet doing his business when Carla bursts in, crying.

Janus passes gas and Carla hears. They see each other and scream. Carla says he has no shame and covers her face with a towel in reaction to the smell.
Janus apologizes and asks her for some toilet paper and for some water. Carla gives him what he needs while berating him for not closing the door.

Janus asks about what's going outside, and Carla says that a pizza guy came. Janus says that he was the one who ordered it, because he he has an "alaga" to take care of.

He continues and says that he is a good person, which is why he came inside the house, because he saw how sad her face was. He asks Hazel if she knows how to smile, and she turns away. He says he enjoys talking to her when his cellphone beeps. He moves to the side to try and get it and Hazel smiles, which leads him to smile.

He asks her if she could get his cellphone out since she won't let him loose. Hazel slowly walks over to him and pulls out the cellphone from his pocket.

Vanessa starts to break down and cry, and Alwyn tries to comfort her. Jill sees Alwyn's actions, and gets up to get some water and Alwyn follows her.

He surprises her and she slaps him, and he asks her what her problem is. She says that it's him and what he's doing.

Alwyn asks her if she's being jealous, and that she should be happy because her crush Carlo is there. Jill retorts saying that Alwyn's crush Vanessa is also there, and Alwyn replies by saying that he never said Vanessa was his crush.

As their faces get close, Jill says that the only thing left for Alwyn is for him to kiss Vanessa.

Then, the lights go out, and the pairs in the living room all get closer together.

In the rest room, the lights also go out and Carla jumps onto Janus, and he half-seriously tells her to go ahead and take advantage of his weakness. She recoils from him when she realizes just how close she is to him, and she smacks him. LOL.

Paw tells Vanessa to stay as she gets up, and Mikel gets up to follow her and asks her what's wrong.

Paw says that this is wrong, that by pursuing their relationship, they hurt other people just so they could be happy. He asks if this is about Carla. Paw says that Isabel is gone and she doesn't want to lose another friend. Mikel says that he's just as scared if he loses Paw. She walks off and Mikel follows.

He jokingly says his feelings are hurt, and Carla tells him to stop, because not everything is meant to be a joke. Their friends just died and it's like he doesn't feel anything.

Janus says that she's not the only one who lost a friend, and he makes everything a joke because crying will not bring back their friends or change what has happened. Carla breaks down and leans her head on his shoulder. He pats her head to comfort her.

Vanessa walks over to the counter and cries, and Carlo follows behind her. He tries to comfort her, and says that something like this happened to him 5 years ago. His girlfriend died in a car accident. She tells him she's sorry, and he says he got over it and moved on.

Vanessa says that the same thing happened so fast to Felix and Isabel, and it's over already. She realizes how short life is and that God can just take it away.
She says to Carlo that if you love someone, you have to say it out loud. Carlo embraces her and she pulls away and says "I love you, Carlo" in Norwegian.

Carlo is confused and asks her what she says, and she realizes she said it out loud. She gets embarrassed and they laugh.

To Be Continued...
As the episode ends, we see scenes from next week's episode, which includes the arrival of the police, and more scenes from the 6 remaining loveteams.
Voiceover: Ano ba talaga ang nangyari kina Felix at Isabel? At kaninong love story na ang tuluyang magtatapos? Alamin kung sinong loveteam ang magpapa-alam next week, sa 4th Qpids Heartbreak Sunday, dito parin sa Qpids: Dito ang Puso Niyo.
CF's Note: For the first time since Qpids moved to this new timeslot, Qpids rated higher than its rival program.
Title ........ Mega Manila ........ Metro Manila ........ Suburbs
Qpids .................. 12.5 ................... 11.7 .................. 14.1
Opposite ............. 11.4 ................... 10.4 ................... 13.2
Congratulations to the cast and crew!
At 25/7/05 6:11 AM,
angelica said…
OMG my original favorite loveteam is back ! they were so CUTE -- !!!
but why did they have to die !? lols.
janus and carla = always awesome. you go ! all the way !
love you LexBel
love you JarLa !
At 26/7/05 4:06 PM,
CF said…
Hi nica_nica... clarification lang po about the immunity bear...
If you win the immunity bear this week, you are safe for THIS WEEK only. Hindi ka automatically safe sa NEXT Heartbreak Sunday.
Yun lang po.
At 27/7/05 6:45 AM,
CF said…
Hi nica_nica! :D Yup! Yup! I know what you mean about what Luis said before.
You and I actually had the same impression based on what Luis said --- that if you win immunity this week, you use it at next week's heartbreak.
But when we double-checked with someone who actually works on the show, we were told that it was -- "Win it this week, use it this week".
It's possible that the person we asked misunderstands immunity also. hehehe! But for now, he is probably a more reliable source.
Yun lang po. :)
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