Episode 4.1
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Anne and Luis open the show by recapping the final 9 loveteams that were announced in last week's Union of Hearts episodes. This week, each of the 9 pairs get to spend a whole day together, to give them all a chance to get to know one another.
Today's episode shows Paw and Mikel's day together.
Paw and Mikel meet each other at ABS. Mikel tells Paw that he wasn't able to plan anything for their day, and suggests that they walk around the ABS compound together while he tries to come up with something.In reality, Mikel actually has something planned.
He waits until she's totally bored with wandering around ABS, before he takes her up to the rooftop. While they are there, a helicopter lands on the helipad, and Mikel suggests that they go check it out. Turns out that the helicopter has been arranged to take him and Paw to Laguna to visit her family.

They arrive at Paw's house and Mikel meets Paw's family, spends some time looking over old family photos, then offers to cook spaghetti for them. They enjoy the meal, saying it tastes like a restaurant-cooked dish.

After the meal, Paw and Mikel walk around her town, spend the afternoon playing pool, and Paw eventually talks Mikel into playing a game of patintero with her family. At one point, Mikel trips and grazes his hand, and Paw tends to the scratch.

When evening fell, Mikel asked for permission from Paw's parents to have some alone time with her at the back of their house, where he had set-up a temporary Japanese-inspired gazebo.

As they sit in the gazebo and chat, he presents her with a dozen roses, and attached to each rose is a statement saying why Mikel considers Paw his 'bear'. Mikel gives them to her one by one, reading each statement out loud before handing her the rose.
Finally, their day together ends, and Mikel bids Paw and her family goodbye.

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